Monday, April 9, 2007

How Essential Is The Water To Our Body?

Water is fundamental to our lives; maybe we completely forget that we depend on it. Our survival is dependent on it. Water has been ranked by experts as second only to oxygen as essential for our life. We need lots of fresh water to stay healthy. Aside from aiding in digestion and absorption of food, water regulates body temperature and blood circulation, carries nutrients and oxygen to cells, and removes toxins and other wastes.

It is recommended that we must have an allowance of eight 8 oz glasses of water daily. We first may think it’s too much, until we think about all of the liquid we consume. We normally consume 64 ounces or more. So we need to drink more water.

We do physical activities everyday. We run, walk, play, swim, and do many other physical demanding activities. We can’t do these activities without the proper functioning of our body. In order to perform and replenish such activities, we need more than the usual 64 ounce requirement. We’ve expended more than our usual amount when our body had to sweat in order to keep us cool.

Every process in our body occurs in water medium. We can exist without food for 2 months or more, but we can only survive for a few days without water.

If you’re not drinking sufficient water, your body starts retaining water to compensate for this shortage. If you don’t drink water to maintain your body’s fluid balance, you can impair every aspect of your body’s physical functions. I know these sounds strange, but, to eliminate the fluid retention, drink more water.

Truly water is essential to our body. Drink more water and have a healthy life.

For more information about your nutritional health, click here or please visit

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